The reception will be held at Evanston Golf Club at 5:00 in the evening.
Evanston Golf Club
4401 Dempster
Skokie, IL 60076
While we recommend that you make use of the hotel shuttle to get to and from the reception, complimentary valet parking will be available.
Meal Options (Kindly note whom each meal option is for on your reply card)
Beef: 8oz Filet Mignon with French Green Beans, Fingerling Potatoes, and a Cabernet Veal Reduction.
Chicken: Parmesan Crusted Chicken Breast with French Green Beans, Fingerling Potatoes, and a White Wine Chicken Broth.
Fish: Almond Crusted Whitefish with Smashed Red Potatoes, French Green Beans and a Citrus Buerre Blanc.
Vegetarian: Eggplant Involtini with Gnocchi, Oven-dried Tomatoes, Zucchini and Pesto.